How to Make Money Blogging in 2023


Making money from blogging is a pipe dream. You can write from anywhere
globally on the subjects of your choice, working independently and forgoing
the 9 to 5. Even though it requires much effort, anyone, even beginners, may
do it with the appropriate plan.

Of course, starting a blog is the first step. Then, to eventually make money
from your site, you'll need to expand its readership.

This thorough book will show you the practical steps you need to take to
start a blog, increase your readership, and expand your site, whether you're
just searching for a side gig or want to earn a living from blogging.
Finally, you'll discover the powerful tools you may utilize to convert
visitors to your website into cash.

  • 10 ways to making money through blogging
  • Choose a lucrative niche
  • Expand your blog's content and establish a reputation.
  • Advance and expand
  • Promote on your blog and provide premium memberships
  • Sell products
  • Become a partner
  • Put sponsored content together
  • Provide advice-seeking services
Make Money with Blogging
Make Money with Blogging

How much money can a newbie blogger expect to make from blogging? It's
possible to make a living as a blogger, contrary to popular belief.
According to the finance blog Millennial Money, bloggers may earn up to
$100,000 annually after two years of gaining readers and traffic. Bloggers
can make an additional $500 to $2,000 per month during the first year of
their careers.

Let's look at a few examples from this study of successful

Make Money with Blogging
Make Money with Blogging

As you can see, you can earn a wide range of income as a blogger. But
aside from the numbers, there are a few essential takeaways to remember
before you begin:

  1. Making money blogging is realistic for anyone.

  2. There are several different ways to make money blogging.

  3. Successful bloggers tend to use many of the same strategies to make

Let's break these ideas down further and discuss what, exactly, these
strategies are.

How to make money blogging, part 1: Build your online presence.

To begin earning money, you will first need to establish a blog and work
to expand your readership. Consider it in this light: increasing
visitors to your blog will increase revenue.

Because of this, the first step towards making money with your blog is
to choose a good blogging topic and to get the word out about your site.
Here is the procedure to follow:

Choose a profitable niche

If you've just started a blog, the first question that's undoubtedly
running through your head is, "What should I write about?"

You will need to choose a specialty before getting started with your
writing. Choose a single, overarching topic to write about on your blog
so that you may zero in on a particular area of interest and draw in a
more specific audience.

It is vital to begin picking your niche by considering your interests.
After all, you will devote much time and energy to this topic. But, if
you are serious about generating money via blogging, you need to also
consider the subjects that people are interested in reading about, which
will eventually be sustainable financially.

With this in mind, there are three inquiries that you need to make of
yourself to choose an appropriate niche for your blog:

  • What are my interests?

  • Who is my audience?

  • Which topics are profitable?

Question 1: What are my interests?

If you want your blogging efforts to be successful over the long run,
write about a subject you are genuinely interested in.

In a similar vein, consider the amount of professional experience you
have. It will be more difficult for you to establish yourself as a
reliable source of information in that business if you do not already
have any past links to the blogging specialty in which you want to

On the other hand, if you have previous job experience, education in
that sector, or contacts in that field, you are already equipped to
create blog entries about the topics you have experience in. Developing
a sense of credibility among your audience will come more naturally to
you. Look at these different blog ideas; they'll flow your creative

Question 2: Who is my audience?

If you need to learn about your specialty and give knowledge or
information that meets a crucial need, readers will flock to your blog.
Readers will also flock to your blog if you offer expertise or data that
satisfies a critical condition. Consider the kind of readers you may get
based on the topics that interest you the most.

The next step is to consider the different challenges individuals
confront in various industries and the answers they seek. You'll then be
able to establish a blog whose primary focus will be on reaching out to
the demographics above and supplying them with the information they

Question 3: Which topics are profitable?

Even though you may write a blog on almost anything, some blog
categories are often more lucrative than others. Consider the potential
for sales inside a particular topic area when determining whether you
can generate money via blogging with a specific niche.

If you start a blog on cooking, for instance, writing an article about
the best kitchen equipment gives you a fantastic chance to promote
affiliate links or post adverts on your website. If you are considering
starting a digital marketing blog, you think of potential prospects of
selling e-books and providing consulting services.

Types of blogs that make money

Several types of blogs can be profitable if you know how to manage them
strategically, but here are the most common:

  • Business and marketing blogs

  • Finance blog

  • Health blogs

  • Fashion blogs

  • DIY and crafts blogs

  • Nutrition and food blogs

  • Lifestyle blogs

Whichever niche you choose, it's essential to consider the monetization
factor from the beginning and set goals for making an income from your
blog. This will ensure you build a strong foundation from the get-go.

you're still stuck on what niche to focus on, these blog examples can help
provide guidance.

Scale your blog content.

When you've settled on a particular area of interest, it's time to start
producing content for your website. Once you get started, remember that
your plan for your articles is just as crucial as the actual writing you
will be doing. Your essays will need significant paper but require
considerable research and preparation.

On top of that, you will want to submit fresh material steadily and
frequently without lowering the quality of the posts you make. The
following is information that you should be aware of when you begin
developing and growing your content:

Choose suitable topics.

In the same way, you choose a strategic area of focus for your blog,
you'll also want to pick strategic subjects to write about. The ideal
themes should achieve both of the following goals:

They cater to the requirements of your ideal audience and provide them
with a solution that is both considered and practical.

They focus on keywords that have large search volumes, which is a
statistic that represents the number of individuals who are searching
for a particular term or subject within a specific period (typically one
month). If the number of individuals searching for a particular word is
high, then it follows that more people are interested in learning about
that subject. Your articles will rank well on search engines if they
give in-depth responses to the questions that people type into search
engines. This, in turn, will attract more visitors to your website (more
on that later in Step 4).

Creating catchy headlines is another crucial stage that shouldn't be
skipped for any reason. Make sure that each of your blog subjects has an
attention-grabbing title to go along with it. The more
attention-grabbing your blog titles are, the more likely people will
click on them to read the content.

Post consistently

You will need to consistently update new material to achieve your
primary objective: to increase the number of people visiting your
website. To optimize the amount of organic traffic you get, you should
make it a weekly goal to write at least three to four new blog entries.

In addition to that, you should make it a habit to post regularly. It is
not a good idea to publish many articles in a week and wait to write
something the following week. Instead, you should make an editorial
calendar and organize a regular publication schedule in advance. This
will indicate to Google that you maintain an active and healthy blog.

Distribute the workload

As you consider making money blogging, remember that you're building your
online presence and sharpening your entrepreneurial skills. You'll soon
realize that creating upwards of 3 posts per week is a lot to handle
alongside business management.

Still, keep that from slowing
down. Consider getting extra help as you launch your blog to scale your
content quickly. You can do this by:

  • Outsourcing some content to freelancers so you can scale your content

  • You are opening up your blog for other bloggers to publish articles
    on your site (a great free option for you that also gives publicity to
    the guest contributor).

Whichever option you choose, the bottom line is that you structure your
workload to enable you to focus on business strategy and writing.

Build a reputation

Once you've created a large amount of strategic content, the next step
toward making money blogging is establishing yourself as an authority in
your field. These tips will help guide you:

Try guest blogging

Begin by increasing your internet presence, notably through writing and
blogging. You may pitch guest post ideas to online sites in your niche.
Remember to include a link to your blog with your pitch as proof of your
experience in the industry

Browse your favorite magazines to see whether they publish content from
outside authors to locate guest blogging possibilities. The following
publications allow guest authors with links to their Contact Us or
Contributor pages:


  • New York Times Op-Ed Section


  • Business Insider

  • Forbes Opinion Section

If you already follow any bloggers that write about topics related to
your field, you may search for their names online to discover the
publications in which they are featured. This will direct you to
websites looking for guest contributors to post their stuff.

You may send an email or message via LinkedIn to a writer or editor to
propose an idea to them. You may also include their thoughts if you
already have a connection with them on Twitter and you use that
platform. These are two social media platforms used the most often by
professionals. They are frequently an efficient approach to contacting
individuals involved in an online publication.

If your suggestions are only sometimes approved, you should keep them
from getting you down. It is a typical circumstance for many people, and
as you improve at outreach, more people will accept the pitches you
make. Apart from that, the more material you publish, the more you will
build up your reputation, making it more straightforward to post.

If you're fortunate, certain publications will pay you for the
contributed content that you write for them. This is already a terrific
place to start when it comes to getting money from blogging. Having said
that, even if guest blogging doesn't pay you monetarily, it's still a
great way to network with other people in your industry and get a head
start on expanding your following. You'll need a lot of experience
before you can get a guest column, but it's possible.

Guest blogging 

Guest blogging also benefits from providing backlinks to your blog,
which boosts your SEO. This is important because it makes your site more
visible on search engines like Google, thus directing traffic to it. Read
this article for more tips on SEO for bloggers.

Collaborate with experts

Working closely with people already considered experts in the industry
is yet another technique to build up your reputation. You will get
greater visibility due to this, and it will help you create an audience.

Begin by reaching out to pros within your blogging field - this may be a
successful guest writer you follow or the editor of your favorite
magazine. Inquire about the possibility of interviewing the person in
question, either as a guest post or for publishing on your site. Even
though this may seem an audacious request, individuals in this position
are often delighted to participate in interviews since doing so raises
their profile.

Similarly, encourage the work of other bloggers operating within your
sector. Offer a shoutout to their articles in your postings on social
media and your site, and participate in a conversation with them on
Twitter. They will also begin reading the information you provide,
returning a favor. 

Encourage and foster growth.

You are aware, at this point, that the more people who read your blog,
the simpler it will be for you to make money. Because of this,
increasing the number of visitors to your website is an essential step
toward generating cash from your blog.

Before we start advertising your blog, it is essential to remember that
marketing your work requires consistent effort continuously. As soon as
you have finished publishing your blog, you should immediately begin
advertising your website along with the other procedures. Even if you
have a growing audience, promoting your website will continue to be just
as crucial to the overall success of your blog as the actual act of
writing itself.

Here are some strategies to get the word out about your business and
develop your reputation:

Optimize for SEO

As previously said, search engine optimization is required to get your
website featured on Google. One of the easiest methods to get visitors
to find your blog is to provide material that ranks on the first page of
organic search results for relevant searches. If you want people to find
your blog, provide material on the first organic search results page.
For example, if you create a baking blog, you'll want to ensure it ranks
high in search results for phrases like "birthday cake recipes" and
"carrot cake recipes."

To accomplish this, you should strive to produce the most informative
blog posts found anywhere on the internet and optimize these posts by
using strategic long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are a specific
type of keyword that targets your precise audience.

While it may seem frightening, identifying these keywords is relatively
straightforward for novices to understand, particularly with specialist
tools designed for keyword research. These kinds of blogging tools, such
as Google's Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs (seen below), and many
more, lead you in the direction of the phrases that you need to include
in your post.

Supposstill needs to have yet to reach an audience with search engine optimization
(SEO) or keyword research. In that case, it is recommended that you
schedule some time to complete a brief online SEO course. Many of these
courses are offered at no cost. The Beginner's Guide to SEO by Moz is an
excellent resource for getting started with SEO.

You may also refer to our blog post checklist to ensure that you have
addressed all of the fundamental aspects of SEO, including keyword
research, image optimization, and other considerations.

Create a newsletter

Another way to drive traffic to your blog - and make money as a result -
is by creating an email newsletter to promote your content. This will
ensure that people who find your blog will return to read future posts.

how do you get people to subscribe to your newsletter in the first place?
Here are some ideas:

  • Make lead magnets: Individuals are more inclined to sign up if given
    something of value in exchange. Lead magnets, sometimes known as
    "freebies," are simply incentives you provide in return for a
    subscription. Your offerings may be a free e-book or guide, a free
    slide deck or online course, or a promo code for your online

  • Generate sign-up forms: Opt-in boxes often take the shape of pop-ups
    or slide-ins requesting viewers to subscribe. They tend to capture the
    attention of site visitors more than static text since they are
    difficult to ignore. You may design an opt-in form instructing people
    to subscribe to your emails. Another option is to create opt-in forms
    that showcase your lead magnets and request visitors' email addresses
    in return for the free gift.

Build a social media strategy.

You would be making a significant error in your blogging practices if
you did not promote your posts on social media. In the same vein as
search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing is an excellent
and free technique to increase awareness.

Not only should you post a link to your blog on the channels you use for
your personal life, but you should also consider creating other social
media accounts just used for your blog. If you want to advertise your
blog on Facebook, you may want to consider establishing a Facebook
business page and dedicated company profiles on Instagram and YouTube.

You may continue to increase your following by producing material to
support your articles. Create posts on Instagram and Pinterest that
incorporate photographs or infographics and then link back to the
corresponding articles on your blog inside those posts. You may also
convert the material of your blog into videos and upload them to
YouTube. After each video, you can link to the position most relevant to
that video.

Use your imagination.

Using various innovative content forms will allow you to extend the
scope of your reach even further. You might also offer expertise by
beginning a podcast, holding a webinar, and publishing instructive
how-to videos on your website. The more diversity of material that you
provide to represent yourself as an expert in your subject, the greater
the likelihood that someone may stumble into your blog.

You should first provide this information at no cost to build your
following and direct visitors to your blog; however, at some point in
the future, you should begin charging a fee to generate more cash. When
considering how to monetize your blog, remember this as you go through
the steps.

How to make money blogging, part 2: Monetize your content

Once you have a strong content strategy and a growing online presence,
you'll probably wonder how to monetize a blog.

To start making
money with your blog, you'll want to use tools to enhance your website and
resources like company partnerships and affiliate programs. Here are some

  • Advertise within your blog

  • Offer paid subscriptions

  • Sell merchandise

  • Add affiliate links

  • Write sponsored content

  • Provide consulting services

Now that you've set your blog up for success, here's how to earn a profit
using the methods above:

Advertise within your blog.

You may create cash from blogging by including advertisements from
Google AdSense in your blog entries. This is one approach to making
money blogging.

What precisely is meant by the term "Google AdSense"? It is a piece of
software that enables you to sell advertising space on your websArdwaArd; Google will fill those areas with advertising relevant to
your blog and website visitors. When people watch or click on those
advertisements, you, in turn, get financial compensation.

This widely used and very profitable advertising scheme enables bloggers
to monetize the traffic that visits their websites. You can choose the
ad sizes, shapes, and placements that best suit your needs. This allows
you to maximize the number of clicks you get while providing visitors
with a non-intrusive browsing experience.

If you decide to go this route, there are a couple tricks that will help
boost your earnings:

  • Create high-quality content: Even if your goal is to make money with
    your blog, you should always prioritize the quality of your content.
    If your content is strong, you'll get traffic. And when you get
    traffic, your blog becomes an attractive space for advertisers.

  • Identify profitable keywords: While researching your blog content,
    keep an eye out for transactional terms in which advertisers could be
    interested. They include words like "Top DSLR cameras" or "How to
    shoot great images," which might lead to a sale.

  • Choose ad style and size strategically: The visual appearance of your
    ads can be the determining factor in getting clicks. You need to make
    your ads visible, but you'll also need to ensure they don't annoy the
    reader. For the best results, colors that are part of your color scheme contrast nicely with the background. Tools
    like Bannersnack are an excellent option for customizing your ads'

  • A/B test your ad placement: Not all ad space is equal when making
    money using ads. The same ad can perform differently depending on its
    location - for instance, at the top, bottom, or side of a page.
    Conduct A/B tests to determine which ad spaces get clicked on most,
    and use the results to inform your ad placement moving forward.

You can also add an ads.txt file to your blog. While Google AdSense is
the biggest provider, using ads.txt allows you to connect with providers
other than Google.

Offer paid subscriptions

A second tip for making money blogging is creating and selling
subscription plans. This lets loyal readers buy access to exclusive

Of course, some of your content should remain free -
after all, readers will want to explore your blog before deciding whether
to buy. But you can supplement the freebies with in-depth posts that offer
exclusive insights subscribers would be willing to pay for.

each exclusive post to pique your readers' interest and then ask them to
subscribe to continue reading.

A similar but slightly
different approach is to offer paid memberships to your site. You can
reward members with various perks, including access to webinars,
downloadable resources, and free blog content.

Sell merchandise, e-books, and more.

Another profitable option is to sell products directly through their
site. To do this, you can open an online store that takes visitors now to
your products. This lets you sell items related to your blog niche or
personal brand.

Remember that your products don't have to be
physical; many bloggers also opt to sell digital goods.

are some options for the kinds of items you can sell:

  • E-books

  • Online courses

  • Webinars and virtual events

  • T-shirts, stickers, and merchandise with your blog logo

  • Handmade crafts and other goods

For example, if you run a fitness blog, you might sell branded sports
equipment. Consider selling digital travel guides for download if you
manage a travel blog.

Become an affiliate

Remember when we looked at how much bloggers are actually making? Their
expense reports show that nearly all top bloggers use affiliate marketing
as a monetization strategy. There's a good reason for this: affiliate
marketing is a relatively easy source of passive income.

Affiliate marketing means you make money blogging by promoting
other people's products. Add affiliate links to various products or
services within your posts, site, or social media accounts. When your site
visitors click on those links and purchase, you'll earn a commission from
the sale.

To find brands to partner with as an affiliate,
browse the web for affiliate marketing programs to connect you with
different products or companies. Some of the most popular programs

  • CJ Affiliate: Connect with widely
    recognized brands and earn commissions by promoting their

  • ShareASale: Build
    profitable partnerships with brands across a variety of sectors.

  • Amazon Associates: Promote products sold on Amazon and earn up to 10% in associate

Affiliate marketing is a method that is beneficial for both
professional and personal blogs; thus, you should take the time to
experiment with a few different platforms to determine which one works
best for you.

Write sponsored content

When the readership of your blog increases, you may be contacted by
businesses interested in becoming one of your sponsors. Since you
effectively promote their items to your audience, the corporation will
reimburse you for each article you make and publish on their behalf.
These types of positions often come with additional benefits, such as
the opportunity to test and provide feedback on free items offered by
the firm.

Most of these postings are product reviews or other examples of how one
might use a company's goods or services. To keep the confidence of your
readers, it is essential to promote only those things in which you have
a strong personal belief. Moreover, seek partnership opportunities that
will allow you to publish several sponsored articles that may be spread
out over a more extended period. This assures that there will be a
steady stream of money.

You don't have to sit around and wait for businesses to discover you to
take advantage of these changes. Take the initiative to contact the most
influential organizations in your industry and inquire about the
possibility of receiving sponsorship from them. Be sure to clarify why
the cooperation will benefit the business. Explain to them, for
instance, how many people visit your website regularly and what benefits
they would get by gaining access to your audience.

Provide services in the field of consulting.

Using all the expertise you have acquired as a professional blogger is
the last step in making money via blogging. You may market yourself as a
coach or consultant by using your blog as a portfolio and offering your
knowledge services as produce; you
 could work with people or as inline, depending on your work. Several different kinds of blogs serve as a natural
stepping stone for establishing a full-fledged consulting firm in
various fields, including marketing, nutrition, and design. For
instance, you might use the skills you've gained through blogging to
launch a career as a consultant specializing in digital marketing or as
a food coach.

To get things rolling, you should first attempt selling your services
to specific customers and luring them with unique bundles and deals. You
might also extend into group services such as conferences, public
speaking events, webinars, and online courses. This would be an
additional avenue of expansion for your business. Suppose individuals
discover that your blog gives beneficial insights. In that case, they
will be prepared to pay for customized, one-on-one guidance to meet
their requirements.

Make a livelihood out of blogging by starting your own site.

Blogging is more than just a pastime; it's also a means to generate
money and live on your own terms. If you want to make money, you should
start a blog. As you've seen, there are a lot of different methods to
monetize the visitors that come to your website. If you want to increase
the size of your audience, improve your reputation, and turn a profit
with your content, follow these guidelines. You'll be well on making
cash from your blog if you have a mix of good business sense, competent
monetization tools, and high-quality material on your site.

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